
About us

Orangepack Technology is a manufacturer of blister, plastic, paper and ecological packaging, such as pulp. Our main specialization is the thermoforming technique. We operate on the Polish market, in the EU, but also in the UK and Ukraine. Orangepack Technology is a team of young specialists who introduce innovative ideas both in the production of packaging, responding to market trends and the development of our company. We have a design studio, a production hall and a warehouse. Thanks to this, when starting cooperation with a new client, we follow a proven scheme, which is the most effective process for our clients and for us.

If the customer does not have a ready-made packaging product – no worries, we will create it from design to packaging according to the requirements, selection of material and selection of a given packaging for the assortment by the customer.

If the customer already has a packaging product and its design – we price the packaging in accordance with the guidelines provided by the customer. Such packaging requires a prototype to be delivered to our company.

In the case of long-term cooperation with the client or conclusion of a long-term contract, we practice the principle of keeping materials and semi-finished products in our warehouse. This allows you to optimize and shorten the time of production and final delivery to the customer.